• Reykjavík

Islandsbanki Reykjavik Marathon

Islandsbanki Reykjavik Marathon takes place August 23, 2025 and is the biggest running event in Iceland.


Participants can choose between four distances, marathon, half marathon, 10K and a fun run (3K) and whether they want to compete or not.

General Ticket:

Allows participants to join the race without competing for prizes, and results are not recorded in the FRÍ achievement register. Included is participation in the Reykjavik Marathon 2025, an accurate track length according to measurement standards, race bib-number, timing chip, on-course services, and a medal upon completion.

Competition Ticket:

Participants who purchase a competition ticket can start in the front corral, compete for prizes, and have their results recorded in the FRÍ achievement register. Included is participation in the Reykjavik Marathon 2025, application for FRÍ certification, registration in the FRÍ achievement register, prizes for the top three runners in each distance and the first runner in each age category, a certified course according to AIMS measurement standards, race number, timing chip, on-course services, and a medal upon completion.

Thursday, August 21, 2025

15:00 - Race package pickup begins, and Fit & Run Expo opens at Laugardalshöll

20:00 - Race package pickup ends.

Friday, August 22, 2025

14:00 - Race package pickup begins, and Fit & Run Expo opens at Laugardalshöll

19:00 - Race package pickup ends.

Saturday, August 23, 2025

07:00 - Information center opens at Hljómskálagarður

07:30 - Bag storage opens at Hljómskálagarður

08:30 - Participants find their pace area

08:40 - Marathon and half marathon start

09:30 - Participants find their pace area

09:40 - 10K race starts

11:30 - Warm-up for Fun Run begins

12:00 - Fun Run starts

15:00 - Information center and bag storage close